Monday, May 04, 2009

The Potty Diaries ... on hold?

Ah, potty training! If you've been through it, please, um, HELP!

Christopher is great about sitting on the potty, but he's not actually going in it yet. He hides in the closet to "go"! So if you have any good tips, please post a comment. Adam and I would love to hear your ideas.
And the poor guy gets really frustrated when he sits there for a few minutes and nothing happens. So we're trying not to pressure him, just encourage him as much as we can.

We're praising him for trying. But how do we help him to actually "go" in the potty?

We have till Thanksgiving until baby #2 is born, so we have about 6 months, give or take, to complete potty training. Is that doable? I hope so!

Coppelia, Adam and Christopher-in-training!


Family on the move said...

Believe it or not I potty train for a living. It is part of my job to potty train my students (who are not yet potty trained). Also I have 3 kids I have potty trained so here is some advice. The trick is two fold. One he had to be physically ready to get the concept and understand he needs to "push" the peepee out. Second you have to find something that will motivate him to pee in the potty. You have to make it worth his while. Teach him to push by softly pressing below his belly button. It will show him what muscles he needs to push to make the pee pee come out. Also save something he really loves only for after he pees (snack, special toy he wants, etc..) Also take him potty after every meal or every 2 or 3 hours and make sure he drinks tons of apple juice (it goes through the system quickly).
Finally if nothing else works... borrow someones fenced backyard and let him run around outside naked. Put the potty in the back yard and everytime pee starts to come out have him run to the potty. Then hose him out and play some more. This method is guaranteed to work after only a couple of days of trying. Let me know what happens...

Anonymous said...

Another great tip for potty training is if you find they are having many accidents while watching their favorite shows on tv...

Move their potty into the room where they watch tv and let them sit on the potty while the show is on. This gets them used to going in the potty and is a great first step.