Friday, March 23, 2007

What I like about you

What do you like about yourself? Do you think you are the greatest person ever or do you sometimes doubt your value?

This question came up for me during a recent Small Group meeting. If you are not familiar with church small groups as you read this, it's just a few people (usually between 4 and 8) who meet to discuss the Bible and have "fellowship" (which is nothing more than "hanging out" & eating pizza) :-) Yum. Although I'm liking the home cooked meals better. :-) Yum, Yum.

Recently, we were discussing prayer...and confession. Part of the Christian life is confessing sin and moving on without it (go and sin no more). As I thought about what I could possibly be struggling with that was not completely evident to me...I thought that I had been struggling with what I'll describe as self-hate. The more I thought about it, the more I realized that it's true. And I got even more confirmation on the fact from my husband when I shared how I felt.

Over a period of months (dare I say years), I have put myself down much more than I have felt good about myself. And I have a lot of things to feel good about, so what's the deal?!

I like a lot of things about myself:
I like my hair & my eyes
I like mornings (waking up with Christopher, nursing, breakfast, playing, waiting for Daddy to come home [he works 4 to 9am] and playing some more!
I like having lunch with my posito on most days
I like my job & ministry (singing & radio)
I like living in California and being from Puerto Rico
I like having great old friends that I'm still in touch with &
I like all the new friends I've made in California
I like laughter and having fun
I like thoughtful conversations, hearing from friends (via phone or e-mail), and vacations
I like having a great relationship with my family, Mom, Dad, Millita, Tat, Mamin, Joshua, etc...Love you all!!!
And I could probably list more things that I like!

I have a lot of things to be grateful for. I am grateful for my family's health, both husband and son and our extended families. That is one of the most precious gifts we could ever receive. And I am especially grateful that we have eternity to look forward to. It does not end here. Friends (and family) are forever, when the Lord's the Lord of them.

I should keep my eyes on's much better than putting myself down for no good reason.

I like blogging. :-)


1 comment:

Karen said...

Made me think!